Tuesday, March 2, 2010

NXT Segway with Rider

Followed the instructions from http://nxtprograms.com/NXT2/segway/index.html to build the self balancing robot. Building it was simple, and I'm just using the sample program to start playing with it.


Testing it is indeed more difficult. It requires high restrictions on the light condition and the surface type, cause its using the colour sensor for the proximity of the surface for tilting the motor. (Have to balance it at the beginning). 
Anyway, its fun to see it working. There's a good article on the PID controller concept, which applied in this project. (http://www.inpharmix.com/jps/PID_Controller_For_Lego_Mindstorms_Robots.html)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ways to program NXT

Been doing some research on what are the alternative ways to program the NXT brick other than using NXT-G provided by Lego. It is seen that there quite a number of other alternative ways, but the most interesting one for me is RobotC. Since its using the C language and can keep the existing firmware which seems to be handy, as we can still easily test the new build with programs compiled by NXT-G.

Another completely free (open source) solution is nxtOSEK/JSP. This includes its own RTOS.

IAR provided a free 128KB special edition of IAR Embedded Workbench for LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT too. However it required JTAG for programming the NXT.


RobotC (http://www.robotc.net/)  - single license fee = $30 US (Version 2.01)

nxtOSEK/JSP (http://lejos-osek.sourceforge.net/)

IAR Embedded Workbench (http://iar.com/website1/

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Finish building the Shooterbot

Its really a fun day. Just finished going through all the instructions in building & programming the NXT in Shooterbot form.

The NXT-G does really good job in making simple instrutions to control the NXT for doing quick testing. It is also found that design the mechanics/models for it can be quite challenging, as you have to familiar with the available parts.

Ok, next model to build will be the "Robogator"!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Getting started!

Went out to buy some AA rechargeable batteries today and finally started assembliing my toy!

These are the components for the "getting started" model:

Just following the printed manual and building my first form up. The final look of it is here:

Installed the LEGO programming software on my netbook, which is running quite smoothly. However I do think it is not very suitable to be running on my tiny screen. (Note that you won't be able to program your logic if you are running screen in less than 1024 x 768 resoulation. Since my netbook resolution is 1024 x 600, I have to use external lcd for using NXT-G properly. Lego should change the software so the panels can be resize and move around, they are currently fixed which is not flexible. >.<

The programming software provided by LEGO (NXT-G) is a graphical programming kit for easy programming on the NXT. The interface is quite simple to use and is not hard to use. However, as an embedded programmer myself, I'm still prefer to actual coding in language rather than using this kind of flow control type of graphical programming. I will definitely change to use alternative methods to start programming the NXT Intelligent Brick. For the time being, this will be good enough for testing and playing with the models offically provided.

Here's a screen shot of the programming software:

The above programs is a very simple test program which only set the NXT to rotate right 4 times and say something, repeat its action forever.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My very first post in this blog!

Hi all, I have just bought my Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 today. I got it like $398 (AUS) in Dick Smith due to a $50 discount!

Here's the box art:

and inside the box:

This device runs off 6 AA batteries. However I don't have enough at home to start playing with it right now. I will probably start playing with it when I have time tomorrow night or on the weekend!

One of my ideas is to control it using my mobile or even the Wii remote! (Actually i think someone might have already done it, but I will need to start doing some research first!)

Ok... its now study time! :)